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Regulator Irdai has relaxed norms for 'surety bonds', a type of insurance policy protecting parties involved in a transaction or contract from potential financial losses due to a breach of contract or other types of non-performance.The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Irdai), the solvency requirement applicable for such products has now been reduced to control the level of 1.5 times from 1.875 times previously prescribed.
What is the shortcut key for inserting a page break in Microsoft Word?
The default file extension of MS-Excel is
Which of the following is not an example of Operating System?
Which command is used to insert data into table?
Microsoft Office Word creates a ____ for you when you press ENTER or the SPACEBAR after you type the address of an existing Web page.
Which feature in Microsoft Word allows you to protect a document with a password to restrict access?
How can you hide a slide in a presentation without deleting it?
Mohak Shangle is interested in making a digital presentation for marketing his company's new product using an Open Source Software. Which of the followi...
In MS Excel 365, which Microsoft Excel view allows you to see how the printed worksheet will look before actually printing it?
How can you add a page border to a document in Microsoft Word?