Baud (Bd) is a data transmission unit that shows how many signaling elements or symbol changes (electronic state change) are sent per second in a line code or a digitally modulated signal.
The average weight of 20 students in a class is 50 kg. If the weight of the teacher is included, the average weight increases by 1 kg. If the weight of ...
A group of 7 friends had an average age of 24 years. When two new friends join the group, the average age of the group increases to 26 years. If the age...
The ratio of the present ages of father and his son is 9:4. The product of their ages 2 years ago was 34 times of his son’s age that year. What wa...
In 6 years, Divya's age will be 40% less than Malu's age at that time, and currently, Divya's age is 25% more than Soni's age. Additionally, the age of ...
Rishi's current age is 56.25% greater than Dimple's current age. In four years, Dimple will be 20 years old. Selina is 5 years younger than Rishi, while...
Present age of ‘A’ is 40% more than that of ‘B’. If 25 years hence from now, ‘B’ will be 15 years younger than ‘A’, then find the sum of...
The ratio of the present age of 'E' to that of 'F' is 2:3. If six years hence, the ratio of their ages will become 3:4, find the sum of their ages, five...
The current average age of four colleagues - Priya, Qasim, Ron, and Sam - is 30 years. The ratio of the present ages of Sam and Tina is 3:4, respectivel...
B is 4 years older than A and A is 8 years older than C. If the sum of the age of A and C is 22 years, then find the sum of the ages of all three.
A is 3 years older than B while C is 5 years younger than B. The ratio of age of A, 6 years hence and age of B, 3 years ago is 4:3. What was age of C, 1...
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