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Raja Ram Mohan Roy was a social reformer belonging to the Hooghly district of the state of West Bengal. He led the protest against the East India Company's famous Jury Act in 1827. The Indian Jury Act was passed in 1826 and it came into effect at the beginning of 1827. The Jury Act, discriminating on religious grounds was strongly opposed by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, this act was passed in the year 1826. It had a provision that no Christian (European/lndian) could be tried by a Hindu or Muslim judge.
Making bricks on Mars gets easier than we thought. All you need to do is to place martian soil inside a flexible container and press hard. …&hell...
P: All these ensure that the world we live in grows a new skin every few years. Q: These influences do, of course, work on humankind but they have the g...
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the gaps with the most appropriate word.
Many people assume that music is mediated solely in the...
P: There was once a time when people looked forward to the lazy evenings. Q:They had a simple choice of programmes on Doordarshan. R: It was entirely up...
The Nobel Prize for physics this year is for the discovery of the gravitational waves released by violent events in the universe such as the mergers o...
In the following question, a paragraph is given from which five words have been edited out. These words are represented by alphabets, are given below t...
In its audit of various regions, the Ministry’s report has calculated a cumulative loss of forests in Mizoram, Nagaland and Arunachal of nearly 1,...
P: Then the liberalisation process became inevitable. Q: It encourages initiative, entrepreneurship and competition which is very vital for growth of th...
Five statements are given below labelled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Among these, four statements are in a logical order and form a coherent paragraph/passage. F...