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The correct answer is B
If the cost of 4 pens and 6 note books is ₹ 800, then find the cost of 6 pens and 9 note books.
If the sugar price is increased by 25% by how much percent consumption should be reduced that expense remains same.
Which one of the following rivers is also known as the ‘sorrow of Benagal’?
Under the Article 148, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India shall be appointed by:
Consider the following statements :
1. There is a difference of about quarterto-two hours in the local times of Dwaraka in Gujarat and ...
One TB (Tera Byte) approximately occupies or comprises which of the following data or space size
How many times has the constitution been amended since its inception?
What is the 'earthday' ?
Consider the following statements :
1. Ring wells found in post-Maurya period, were rows of pots, or ceramic rings arranged one on to...
Which of the following figure is odd one among the all.