The correct answer is B
Read the directions carefully and answer the following questions.
D, B, F, C, G, A and E are of different weights. Only G is lighter than F. C...
If the sum of the weight of C and the third heaviest person is 99kgs, then what may be the weight of F?
Five friends F, G, H, I and J have different heights but not necessarily in the same order. F is taller than G. J is taller than I, who is taller than G...
Six friends have different number of chocolates. G has more chocolates than that of I and H. E has less chocolates than D but more chocolates than G. F...
How many persons are heavier than I?
Six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U are of different ages. S is older than only T and R. Q is older than P but younger than U. R is not the youngest. The ag...
Yudhister’s coin is heavier than Nakul’s and costlier than Sahdev’s. Arjun’s coin is costlier than Yudhister’s but lighter than Bhim’s. Sah...
Who scores the third highest?
How many boxes are heavier than box P?
What is the probable weight of S?