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NSE Indices Ltd, an NSE arm, has launched the country's first ever municipal bond index. The new Nifty India Municipal Bond Index will track the performance of municipal bonds issued by Indian municipal corporations across maturities and having investment grade credit rating. The index was launched at a Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) workshop on Municipal Debt Securities in Bengaluru. Presently, the index has 28 municipal bonds issued by 10 issuers all having credit rating in the AA category. The index constituents are assigned weights based on their outstanding amount.
In each of the given sentence four words have been highlighted. Rearrange the highlighted words to make the sentence correct and meaningful.
Which of the following is the second sentence of the passage?
1. “Being shy and
P. flabbergasted by the
Q. reserved by nature,
R. a farmer naturally gets
S. security at the gate and th...
In the following question, four sentences that form a coherent paragraph are given. Decide which of the sentences are grammatically and meaningfully co...
1. There was a boy named Pappu.
P. So the mother asked him to find work.
Q. They were very poor.
The consulate general and with the yoga school trainers organized the event at a park in the township.
Given below is a sentence in which four words are emboldened. The words may or may not be in their correct position. Rearrange the words if required an...
In the question, the sentence is split into four parts. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence and find out which of t...
Which of the following is the sixth sentence of the passage?
1. Lata went on an expedition every year.
P. Also, she developed a remarkable resistance to cold and the altitude.
Q. Her climbing sk...