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Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has signed a MoU with Amazon Kisan to combine strengths and create synergy between the two organizations for guiding the farmers on the scientific cultivation of different crops for optimum yield and income. ICAR will provide technological backstopping to the farmers through Amazon’s network. It will improve farmers’ livelihood and boost crop yield. This MoU in farmer’s partnership with Amazon Kisan program will help ensure access to high quality fresh produce for consumers across India, including through Amazon Fresh.
In the following questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number o...
Directions: In each of the questions, a sentence has been divided into four parts, one of which may contain an error. Identify that fragment and mark ...
For a man in (A)/eminent danger of (B)/losing his job, he (C)/appeared quite unruffled (D).
At the vary centre of the Galaxy lies a remarkable object—a massive black hole surrounded by an accretion disk of high-temperature gas.
Half of the bottom two quintiles go into debt or sell their assets, but only third of the top quintiles do.
Directions: In each of the questions, a sentence has been divided into four parts, one of which may contain an error. Identify that fragment and mark ...
The number of MLAs and MPs with criminal records(A)/ has risen only due to their party leaders continue(B)/ to distribute more ticket...
Read the given sentence to find out whether there are any grammatical/ contextual errors in them. The errors, if any, will be in two of the parts of th...
Given below is a sentence with or without an error. The error, if any, is in one part of the sentence. Choose the correct part which contains the error...
1.But the reality is that Goa has built its image and its economy on the leisure spends of people who go there for a bit of sand and surf.
2. Tou...