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National Panchayati Raj Day is celebrated on April 24 every year in India to commemorate the historic day when the Panchayati Raj System was introduced in the country. The Panchayati Raj System is a decentralized system of governance in India, where local bodies or Gram Panchayats are given the power to govern themselves and make decisions for the development of their respective areas. This system was introduced in 1993 by the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, which aimed at bringing democracy at the grassroots level and empowering people in rural areas. The Panchayati Raj System has its roots in ancient India, where the village council or Panchayat was the primary unit of governance. The system was revived in the early 1950s when the first National Development Council recommended the establishment of a democratic system of governance at the grassroots level. However, it was not until 1993 that the Panchayati Raj System was given a constitutional status and made mandatory for all states in India.
If all the letters in the word ‘SWEATSHIRT’ are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right such that the vowels are arranged first foll...
Statements:Some combs are boxes.
All boxes are mirrors.
Conclusions:I. Some boxes are combs.
II. Some mirrors are combs.
Some A are B
No B are C
All C are D
Conclusions :-
I. Some A are not B.
II. No A are C.<...
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at varianc...
Only a few School are Station.
Only a few Stations are Hospital.
All Station are Police.
All Police a...
Three statements are given, followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at varian...
No girl is a boy
No boy is men
All men are women
I. Some women are girls
II. All women are men
Some diamonds are golds.
Some golds are marbles.
I. Some diamonds are marbles.
II. S...
Only poles are wires
Only few poles are ornaments
All ornaments are copper
I. All p...
Statements: Some villages are towns.
Some towns are huts.
All huts are rivers.
Some rivers are tents.
Conclusions:I. some...