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The Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) of India is the Chair of the Supreme Audit Institutions-20 (SAI20) Engagement Group under the India’s G20 Presidency. The SAI20 Summit will take place in the state of Goa from 12th to 14th June 2023.
5 positive numbers are written on a piece of paper. Sum of first 3 numbers is 55 and ratio of the 4th and the 5th number is 2:3. If difference between t...
The average weight of 4 persons is 35 kg. The heaviest person’s weight is 24 kg more than the lightest person’s weight. If the average weight of the...
Average of four consecutive prime numbers S1, S2, S3, and S4 is (16 + x). If the average of S1 and S2 is (12 + x) and the average of S3 and S4 is (12 + ...
In an Aerobic class, the average age of all the members was 54.5 years, 11 members left the class and 7 new members joined. If the average age increased...
In a factory of 40 labours, if the two labours left the job whose wages were Rs. 950 and Rs. 1050 and two new labours join the factory which results in ...
The average weight of 25 employees in an office increases by 0.8 kg when the weight of the manager is included. If earlier the average weight of the emp...
If the average marks of the three batches 32, 45 and 54 student respectively is 50, 42 and 35, then find the approximate average mark of all the students?
A bowler gives 15 runs per wicket. He gives 30 runs and takes 5 wickets in a last match after which his average becomes 13.5 runs per wicket. How many w...
Consider three positive numbers that form a ratio of 2:3:4. If the sum of the squares of these numbers is 2349, what is the average of the largest and t...
The average of three numbers P, Q and R is 1600. R is 75% more than P. The ratio of P and Q is 4:5 respectively. If R is 25% less than S, then find out ...