REC has raised nearly ₹3,500 crore in the largest sale of yen bonds (JPY 61 billion) by an Indian company. The bonds have been issued in three tranches with tenors of five years, 5.25 years and 10 years respectively. On the shorter tenor bonds REC will pay bond holders 1.7% and on the 10-year bond it will pay 2.2%.
The main purpose of a farmer is ...................................?
Which of the following element is responsible for the biosynthesis of oil in groundnut?
Business buyers is one who buys goods and services for _____ purposes.
Which one of the following is volume of water necessary to cover an area of 1.0 ha to a depth of 5 cm?
Which component of the cuticle becomes water insoluble due to tanning reactions during sclerotization?
86 Deep sowing of chickpea is better than shallow depth in rainfed areas; which of the following statements not linked with benefits of deep sowing?
Which fungal disease affects the seedling emergence from the soil in two phases, namely pre-emergence and post-emergence damping-off?
Which is not a high salt tolerant crop?
Pusa Deepali is a variety of:
What are the channels to connect between two cells?