The 'Lok Samvardhan Parv' event showcased significant collaborations, including MOUs signed between the National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation (NMDFC) and several banks and state skill development missions. These partnerships aim to implement various schemes and enhance the socio-economic development of minority communities. Additionally, the event featured marketing linkages provided by GeM (Government e-Marketplace) and ONDC (Open Network for Digital Commerce), which facilitate the promotion and sale of handicraft and handloom products created by artisans from minority communities. This collaborative effort underscores the inclusive development approach encapsulated by the mantra “Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas Sabka Vishwas Sabka Prayas.”
When was National Seed Corporation founded?
Vascular bundle in plants in composed of
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Transportation of potato tuber for seed purpose is not allowed from Darjeeling hills to North India due to the presence of
Which of the following is not a "direct gene transfer" method:
ECR stands for............................?
The Ranikhet disease affects:
Consider the following statements and choose the correct statements:
(A). Sugarcane has kranz anatomy in their leaves
(B). Maize is a C...
Which one of the following is used for brown manuring is rice?
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