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SIDBI: Specializes in the financing and development of the MSME sector but does not manage this par RBI: Acts as the central bank and is not involved in direct scheme implementations for MSEs. NSIC: Implements the TEAM scheme under the Ministry of MSME, aimed at enhancing MSEs' e-commerce capabilities. Ministry of MSME: While it oversees various MSE initiatives, the NSIC directly administers the TEAM scheme. ADB: Although it supports regional development, it does not participate in this specific domestic program.
"After months of struggling with the project, the team finally made significant progress and feels they are out of the woods. "
Bite your tongue
Foam at the Mouth
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Spill the beans
Break a leg
Jump on the bandwagon
Select the option that best explains the meaning of the idiom "under the weather"
When the detective pointed out the smallest detail that connected all the evidence together, he hit the nail on the head and uncovered the true identi...
Fill in the blank given below using the correct idiom.
Sarah's performance review came as a _______________ since she had not received any ...
Eating mud