The 7th Rashtriya Poshan Maah 2024 focuses on complementary feeding, which is crucial for ensuring healthy growth in infants and young children. The aim is to improve ground-level nutrition outcomes by encouraging behavioral changes related to infant nutrition.
What is the position of T with respect to O?
Four of the following five are like in a certain way and form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
How many persons are older than S?
Who among the following person sits second to the left of K?
Five person are sitting in a row facing north. T is sitting between S and P. Q is to the immediate right of P. R is at one of the ends and R and S are s...
Who among the following sits second to the left of E?
How many persons are sitting between P and X?
Who among the following person sits opposite to I?
Who faces V?
Who likes Daisy?