On higher altitudes such as hills, the atmospheric pressure is lower compared to sea level. This reduced pressure decreases the boiling point of water, causing it to boil at temperatures lower than 100°C, unlike at sea level where it boils at exactly 100°C.
Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the provision of Panchayats?
Tag colour of foundation seed is
Panchagavya includes:
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the successor to
How much average horsepower (hp) can a person develop for farm activities?
The most suitable irrigation method for horticultural trees is ___
Which of the following is main objective of puddling in paddy?
The PRI level that marks the first point of contact for individuals seeking public services in villages and small towns is the:
Which of the following statements is wrong with respect to MNREGA
1. Legal guarantee for 100 days of employment
2. The Zilla P...
In terms of innovation science- based institution which one is establish to impact vocational skill training to farmers and field level extension workers?