The RBI added 13 entities to its Alert List of unauthorised forex trading platforms, cautioning investors against engaging with these illegal firms.
The Strategic Debt Restructuring scheme, ……………. in June, 2015, involved banks taking over companies by converting deb...
To avoid ______________ its audience by having any dead air at all, between songs in individual sets it'll cut away to interviews with other bands.
Because of the ___________ interstellar dust and the interior location of the solar system, the spiral structure is very difficult to detect optically.
Given below are a few sentences with two blanks in each. Below each sentence are given four pair of words among which one pair might fill the blank. If...
Ankita __      _ waiting for the train ___ three hours.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank
Artificial intelligence _________ more prevalent in 2030 with natural language process...
Erenda was chosen as an excavation ………… in 2017 ………. Kolkata University’s Department of Archaeology as part of its postgraduate ……â...
Fill in blank 65 with the most appropriate word.
The Federal Reserves’s statement came _____ the two day policy meet where the central bank ________ key policy rates unchanged but _________ to begin...
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
Generally people use ______ oils for their cooking.