Tamil Nadu declared heatwaves as a State-specific disaster, providing financial relief to families of individuals who succumb to heat-related causes.
Given two lines of regression x+3y=11 and 2x+y=7. Find the coefficient of correlation between x and y.
Suppose the money supply in Mexico grows more quickly than the money supply in the USA. We would expect that
The correlation coefficient between X and -X is:
If the public consumes €100 billion less and the government purchases €100 billion more (other things unchanging), which of the following statement...
Knife edge problem is associated with the following growth models?
If the correlation between x and y is 0.6 covariance is 27, variance of y is 25, then what is the variance of x?
Assume that there are equal numbers of male and female students in a university. Of all male students, 10 per cent major in economics; and of ...
With fixed costs of $400, a firm has average total costs of $3 and average variable costs of $2.50. Its output is:
Longevity is proxy for ---- in the Human Development Index?