The Tripura government has launched the CM-SATH scheme to provide financial assistance to top-performing students from the state board exams. The scheme offers a stipend to help these students continue their higher education, reflecting the state's commitment to promoting academic excellence among its youth.
Sowing of course (A) / coarse(B) has been hit harddue to delay andslow progress of monsoon in parts of the country.
We need to have appetite for ...
Ending a civil war-like conflict is more difficult to end than a conventional war, as it leaves many fostering [A]/ festering [B] wounds that prevent ...
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
Select the most appropriate SYNONYM of the given word.
Select the most appropriate option to replace the bold word in the given Sentence.
What are a few factors that contributes to water pollution?<...
The only systemic way to regret such corruption and wasteful expenditure is by providing road history and making it public, an initiative successive...
Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.
Select the option to complete the sentence most logically and appropriately.
He didn't see the whole film because
Growing up idolising (A) Saina Nehwal and her power game, a promise (B) shuttler on Thursday termed (C) her India Open victory over the Olympic me...