The Heo Hydro Electric Project in Arunachal Pradesh is expected to produce 1,000 Million Units of energy annually, enhancing power supply and grid balance.
How is LETTER written in the code language?
I. MASTER is written as NZHGVI
II. BOTTLE is written as YLGGOV
The question below can be answered using the sentence given in only one of the options. Find out the option which can be used to answer the question. ...
How is Y related to J?
I. J is father of two children and husband of C, who is sister of D and D is Y’s mother.
II. Y is son of M, w...
Given below is a question followed by two statements I and II. Read both the statements carefully to decide which one of them is sufficient to answer ...
Seven boxes A, B, C, D, E, F and G are kept one above the other but not necessarily in the same order. How many boxes are kept below B?
I) Â...
Amongst five bags A, B, C, D and E, each having a different weight. Which of the bag is heaviest?
I. Only two bags are heavier than D. D is hea...
Five persons R, S, T, U, and V live on different floors of a five-storey building such that the bottommost floor is numbered 1 and the floor immediately...
Seven persons A, B, Y, Z, M, N and G sit around a circular table facing towards the centre. Who sits immediate right of N?
Statement I: G sits ...
Five boys – Sammy, Perry, Pirlo, Anderson and Peter are of different heights. Who among the following is the tallest?
I. Pirlo is taller tha...
The question given below consists of two statements numbered I and II below them. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are su...