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The INC talks failed due to disagreements between countries reliant on plastic production and those advocating for production cuts.
Consider the statements in regard of Sahakar Pragya initiative.
1. It is an initiative launched by the National Cooperative Development Corporati...
Which of the following agreements between India and Pakistan is also known as the 'Nehru-Liaquat Agreement'?
Reliance Industries has raised ______ through 10-year bonds at a coupon of 7.79 per cent.
Where can Nar Narayan Cave be found?
At normal temperature and atmospheric pressure, ______ has a density of 1.87 kg/mᶟ, which is 1.5 times heavier than air and exists as a liquid below t...
In which year was the first reliable measurement on the properties of gases made by Anglo-Irish scientist Robert Boyle?
Following are the characteristics of an area in India:,
1. Hot and humid climate,
2. Annual rainfall 200 cm,
3. Hill slopes up to a...
In 2016, who partnered with ISRO to use space technology for 'predictive policing'?
The National Research Foundation (NRF) Act will establish NRF, an apex body to provide high-level strategic direction of scientific research in the coun...