Nano Bubble Technology was introduced to clean and purify water by removing algae, improving conditions for aquatic animals.
Which of the following financial ratios is most indicative of a firm's ability to service long-term debt obligations, especially in light of the declini...
The term “financial creditor” in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) in India means?
Which of the following ratios are basically the measures of yield or return.
As per the proposed ECL model for banks what is the maximum time limit for the distressed valuation of the security cover when treating a financial asse...
According to the MSMED Act, 2006, any reference made to Micro and small enterprise facilitation council shall be resolved within ________ from date of r...
Consider the following Statements and choose the option with correct Statements.
I- Ministry of Civil Aviation has launched Regional Connectiv...
Which of the following statements accurately describes the concept of "crowding out" in the context of fiscal policy?
Which of the following is correct regarding Risk Adjusted Returns on investment?
I. It is the process where a Risk in ...
Which ethical problem in business involves the misuse of power and influence for personal gain?
Which of the following is most likely to identify stocks with high earnings growth rates?