Maharashtra allocated $5.4 billion (1.1% of its GDP) for women-centric welfare schemes, the highest among Indian states.
Pasteurisation is done in milk ………………………….
Which state ranks second in Cotton production in India by share in all India production?
What will be the gross irrigation requirement of a field having net irrigation requirement 400 mm and field irrigation efficiency 80%?
Tikka disease of groundnut is caused by which pathogen
Deficiency of NITROGEN yellowing of leaf in a plant appears on __ ?
Plantation of high water consuming trees for withdrawal of groundwater is termed as
What is the purpose of piston rings in an engine?
What is the main function of a fuel injector in a diesel engine?
In regions with frequent rainfall and alternating wet and dry periods, what type of soil results from the leaching of bases and silica?
Pebrine disease of silkworm is caused by