Mahatma Gandhi considered Khadi a symbol of India's unity, economic freedom, and equality. The charkha (spinning wheel) was integral to this idea and symbolized economic self-reliance. Gandhi promoted Khadi as part of the village economy movement in 1918.
Which of the following statement is true?
--------------- And --------------- don't live in same type of flat.
If G and the person who have Red interchange their visiting days then how many persons visits after the person who have BLACK colour?
Four of the following five are a like in a certain way based on the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to ...
On which of the following floor number does ARUN get in?
How many projects were completed by the person who lives on the floor number 5?
Who among the following likes Dell?
Who lives immediate below J?
Which of the following is Correct?
Who lives immediately above M in the same type of flat?