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10. India dispatched 60 tonnes of medical equipment, generators, and utilities to Jamaica to support healthcare needs and disaster preparedness.
Recently the IMF approved a $4.7-billion support loan package for which country that has become the first Asian country to receive financing under RSF?
Which country has signed an MoU with the Reserve Bank of India to explore interoperability between their respective central bank digital currencies, amo...
According to the WMO, what concentration of CO ₂ was recorded in 2023, representing 151% of pre-industrial levels?
What was the theme for the International Day of Girl Child 2022?
Who is the MD & CEO of Axis Bank ?
Which bank has collaborated with with NCDEX E-Markets Limited (NeML) to fortify the integration of e-procurement and e-auction systems and through which...
Which country ranked at top in the World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index 2021 which was prepared by the World Justice Project?
Which new plant species was discovered in the Itanagar Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh?
Consider the following in regards to the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY):
1) This insurance scheme is for the poor and individua...
Which bank has been appointed by Reserve Bank of India as an authorized pension disbursement bank on behalf of the Central Pension Accounting Office (...