The collaboration provides startups with financial solutions, mentorship, and capacity-building programs to enhance their market presence.
(8.4 × 6.5 ×2.52 )/(5.04 ×3.25 ×2.1) = ?
35% of 240 – 6 2 = ? 2 – √256
{(481 + 426) 2 - 4 × 481 × 426} = ?
((8)0- (0.1)-1)/( (6/16)-1 ×(3/2)3+ ((-2)/6)-1) = ?/2
6 × 1.8 × 0.25 × 70 = ? + 9.5
84367 + 65441 + 32645 – 21145 – 10769 = ?
[∛(91125/19683 )- ∛(3375/5832 ) ] × ∛(512/9261) = ? - √(484/3969)
20 ×33 + 12 × 23 - 40 ÷ 15-1 + ? = 50
1550 ÷ 62 + 54.6 x 36 = (? x 10) + (28.5 x 40)