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India improved its ranking to 39th, driven by initiatives like Swadesh Darshan and PRASHAD, enhancing tourism infrastructure.
The average age of Renu and Rekha after three years will be 30 years, while the average age of Priya and Renu is currently 32 years. Additionally, the a...
In a cricket match the captain of one of a team scored 26 runs more than the average runs scored by the remaining 6 batsmen of that team who batted in t...
The average of 30 numbers is 1.2. The average of the first 20 of them is 1.1 and that of the next 9 is 1. Then the last number is:
The average salary of Anil for the January to October is Rs.68000. He got Rs. 60000 in January and Rs.75000 in Nov. The average salary for the months o...
The average of 8 numbers is 5.95. The average of two of them is 5.4, while the average of the other two is 5.86. the average of the remaining four numbe...
When the average age of a husband and wife and their son was 44 years, the son got married and a child was born just one year after their marriage. When...
The average weight of 12 students in a dance class is 45 kg. If the weight of 3 instructors is also included, then the new average weight of each person...
2040, 600, 240, 150, ?, 121.875
Average of 8 numbers is 70. If average of first four and last two numbers is 50 and 60, respectively then find the fifth number given that ratio of fift...
Average of 12 observations calculated by a student was 60 but when he again went through his observations he realised that he took value of three observ...