The revocation of the "no-detention" policy reinstates the practice of holding back students based on academic performance.
Common organism, which produces enterotoxin, is
Anthocyanins commonly found in
a) Skin of red apples
b) Skin of red plums
c) Skin of red grapes
….inhibit absorption of nutrient and known as… ( Anti-nutritional factor & Natural Toxin )
Which of the following is/are Promoters of oxidation
a) Heat.
b) Light.
c) Degree of unsaturation
How many times Cyclamates is sweeter than sucrose
Match the microorganisms (Group-1) with their metabolites (Group-2)
Bacteria in which growth phase are more baro-sensitive the main milk protein & present in milk in ….form.
Sprouting of Onions during storage is inhibited by using
Which of the following film is used to inactivate microorganisms on food surface that release microbial inhibitors.
a) Propylene