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Explanation: Indore and Udaipur were recognized under the Ramsar Convention for their commitment to wetland conservation and sustainable development.
Select the word that is opposite in meaning (ANTONYM) to the word given below.
In the following question, match the statement from column 1 with column 2 and find which of the following pair of statements given in the options make...
Choose the combination that completes the sentence.
Match Column I and Column II and choose the correct match from the given choice
Directions: Match the words in Column A with their OPPOSITE meaning words in Column B, and choose the correct combination from the options giv...
Directions: Choose the combination that completes the sentences. If none of the options given forms a correct sentence after combination, mark (e), ...
In each of the following questions, two columns are given containing three sentences/ phrases each. A sentence or phrase from the first column may or m...
(A)Their son was diagnosed with gaming addic...