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On top of the list is Bangladesh’s Dhaka with a noise pollution of 119 dB (Decibels), while Pakistan’s Islamabad is at the third spot with 105 dB after UP’s Moradabad at 114 dB - making all the top three cities from South Asia. Four other Indian cities — Delhi, Kolkata, Asansol, and Jaipur — have also managed to find spots on this list of 61 cities worldwide. As per the report, noise levels in Delhi have been found to be at 83 dB, 89 dB in Kolkata and Asansol and 84dB in Jaipur. Three among the top 15 most noise polluted cities in the world are from India.
The photorespiration process takes place in which of the following organelles?
Which fruit is NOT included in the declared fruit belts for focused development under the Fruit Belt Development Scheme in Uttar Pradesh?
What is the name of the process that uses control temperatures and humidity to extend the storage life of fruits and vegetables while minimizing Decay a...
Soybean is not consumed as dal due to presence of
The let-down of milk in cow is due to release of which of the following hormone?
Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R.
Assertion A: The colloidal surfaces of ...
When an allele of one gene hides or masks the visible output, or phenotype, of another gene it is known as:
Heavy infestation of which of the following causes poor ploughing performance?
Swarn Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) was launched by the Govt. of India with its effect from
Which type of agriculture policy aims to provide subsidies and incentives to promote agriculture exports?