The average cost curve is typically U-shaped due to initially decreasing costs with increased production, followed by rising costs due to diminishing marginal returns.
The speed of a fast moving electron, having total energy of 2 MeV, is nearly:
Tungsten is used for the manufacture of the filament of an electric bulb, because –
A body of mass 3 kg is acted upon by two perpendicular forces 9 N and 12 N. Find the resultant of two forces and the acceleration of the body.
Which of the following statement is/are true?
I. The materials which allow heat to pass through them easily are conductors of heat.
Which of the following rays are not deflected by a magnetic field?
Specific resistance of a conductor increases with :
A train runs along an unbanked circular track of radius of 10 m at speed of 36 km/h. The mass of the train is 16 kg.
What is the an...
A toroid has a core (non-ferromagnetic) of inner radius 23 cm and outer radius 28 cm, around which 4000 turns of a wire are wound. If the current in th...
What is colour of light related to?
Going from fluorine to chlorine, to bromine and then to iodine, the electro negativity: