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Instruments of RBI's monetary policy include Bank rate, Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR), Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR), and Open Market Operations (OMO). 'Budget rate' is not an instrument used by the RBI.
Bank credit to NBFCs (including HFCs) for on-lending will be allowed up to what limit of an individual bank’s total priority sector lending in case of...
Which of the following is a capital transaction?
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has proposed to extend the term-liquidity facility of Rs 50,000 crore offered to emergency health services till ……â€...
Basel committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) was established in _______.
Expand CAMELS as one of the rating systems used by RBI
Sh Ajay Kumar Chaudhary who is appointed as a new Executive Director of RBI, was earlier designated as:
Which of the following is not a financial asset in accordance with IND AS 109?
Which of the following is/are correct regarding Capital Conservation Buffer?
I It is required when there is excess growth in bank’s credit ...
Basel III capital regulations are based on 3 mutually reinforcing pillars. These pillars are:
I.         Minimum Capital Standards <...
What is the major difference between a Cash Credit (CC) and an Over Draft (OD) facility?