The Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) is a provision by the Reserve Bank of India that allows banks to borrow funds overnight in emergency situations. It was introduced on May 9, 2011, to provide liquidity support and maintain stability in the financial system.
Which of the following is a thermal property in foods?
Plate form test for milk does not include
Which of the following is/ are storage polysaccharide?
a. Dextran
b. Fructan
c. Starch
d. c...
The skin of vegetable are removed by
Cardiac beri beri is caused by a deficiency of:
Caramels are firm ______ candies and the added substance that may interfere with crystallisation are________
Saponification number is the number of milligrams of KOH required to saponify 1 g fat. Which of the following statement is true about saponification ...
Which of the following is/are the structural polysaccharide?
a. Chitin
b. Cellulose
c. glycog...
The incorporation of CO2 into water is known as……..
Which of the following methods refers to deactivation of microbes in food using electricity?