BSE and National Stock Exchange have imposed a fine of Rs 5.36 lakh each on state-owned Power Grid Corporation for not having the required number of independent directors including one woman on their board in the June quarter.
Statements: All exports are imports.
All imports are trades.
Some pipes are tanks.
All tanks are lids.
All lids are covers.
I. Some covers are lids.
Three statements are given, followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at varia...
Statements: Some laptop are phone.
All phone are tablet.
Conclusions: I. ...
Among P, Q, R, S and T whose salary is the highest?
I. Combined salary of P and Q is more than the combined salary of R and S but T’s salar...
Statement: All mobiles are laptops.
Only a few mobiles are chargers.
Some laptops are led.
1. Some mobiles are...
Statements:No star is a train.
No train is a galaxy.
Conclusions:I. Some stars are not trains.
II. No star is a galaxy.
Only a few A are C
All A are B
I. Some C are not B...
Statements : No samsung is a micromax.
All sony are micromax.
Some nokia are samsung. <...
Some tiger are lions
Some lions are rat
Some rats are cat.
I. Some Tiger are Rat