Which is a specialised division of RBI through which it prints and mints Indian currency notes (INR)?
Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran (BRBNM) is a specialised division of RBI through which it prints and mints Indian currency notes (INR).
In how ways can the selection be made so that a particular member is always excluded?
How many different words can be made using all the letters of the word METROLOGY?
Find the number of words that can be formed by using all letters of the word 'PAINT', if order of vowels remains same.
In how many ways can 2 girls and 8 boys be seated in a row so that girls are always together?
In an election a voter can vote for any number of candidates not exceeding the number to be elected There are 7 candidates and 4 members to be elected H...
In how ways can the selection be made so that a particular member is always excluded?
...How many ways can 8 women and 8 men be seated around a circular table where no two women can sit together?
How many four digit numbers greater than 5000 can be formed with the digits 4 ,5, 7, 8, and 9?
A man has 15 friends out of which 7 are his relatives. In how many ways can he invite his 9 friends in which at least 5 must be his relatives?
In how many ways can the letters of the word ‘MEDICAL’ be rearranged so that the vowels never come together?