It was formed on 12 July 1982 on the recommendations of the B. Sivaramman Committee.
Inflorescence of soyabean is
The sodium absorption rate (SAR) of water considered suitable for irrigation is?
In rust cycle, wheat is infected by which of the following spores?
Grain moisture content(%) for storage of pulse should be in the range of
Cyanogenic glycosides are considered toxic because they can release hydrogen cyanide, a highly toxic compound, when the plant tissue is damaged, crushed...
Bright yellow slimy ooze on wheat glumes and ears are symptoms of which disease?
Which of the following pathogen is responsible for ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane?
Molybednosis in cattle is caused when concentration of Molybednum in fodder is
Which of the following symptoms are caused by Rice stem borer?
The false smut of sugarcane can be controlled by adopting which of the following practice?