This Act established National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), which was constituted on 1 June 2016. Companies Act 2013 is an Act of the Parliament of India which forms the primary source of Indian company law. It received presidential assent on 29 August 2013, it largely superseded the Companies Act 1956.
Determine the time difference for two buses, one with a length of 200 meters and the other with a length of 150 meters, as they travel at speeds of 54 k...
In a business, A invested Rs. 1800 more than that by B. After 8 months, A left the business. If at the end of the year, profit earned by B is equal to t...
P and Q together started a business with initial investment in the ratio of 1:7, respectively. The time-period of investment for P and Q is in the ratio...
John and Jack entered into a partnership by contributing capital in the ratio of 8:14. After a certain period, Jack withdrew his investment completely....
Ashish started a business by investing Rs. 6300. Few months later; Ramesh joined him by investing Rs. 8000 such that at the end of the year, the profit ...
‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ started a business by investing Rs. 1,500, Rs. 1,800 and Rs. 1,200, respectively. After 6 months, ‘B’ decreased his inv...
A, B and C enter into a partnership, A invest 6X + 15000, B invest 3X + 1000 and C invest X + 8000 for one year if B share is 4000 from total profit of ...
‘A’ and ‘B’ started a business by investing certain sum in the ratio 2:3, respectively for 6 years. If 30% of the total profit i...
Paras and Punit started a business by investing Rs. 18,000 and Rs. 24,000 respectively. Paras also worked as the active manager and for that he is enti...
A and B started a business with investments in the ratio 5:4 respectively. After 4 months, C joined them with an investment 50% more than the inv...