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World Bank was established in 1944 to help rebuild Europe and Japan after World War II. Its official name was the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). When it first began operations in 1946, it had 38 members.
Cultivation of crops in areas receiving annual rainfall more than750 mm but less than 1150 mm is known as
In order to measure the diameter at breast height is used.
Vitamin required for the synthesis of collagen is:
The bacterial disease, citrus greening is spread by _____ vector.
Black dusty mass formed in plant part is:
Which of the following is correct in case of seedlings?
Jam and jellies are mainly spoiled by
Heat which cause increase or decrease in temperature without changing state is known as
Under ___________ system the farmers are forced to sell part of their produce to the Government at the announced prices.
Late blight of potato is caused by