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Basel III regulations focus on enhancing bank liquidity standards, improving risk management, and increasing capital requirements to strengthen financial stability.
A boat running downstream covers a distance of 60 km in 6 hrs and covering the same distance upstream in 15 hrs. What is the speed of a boat in still wa...
Speed of a boat in still water to speed of boat in upstream is 13:10. If the boat can travel 320 km in downstream in 5 hours, then find the time taken b...
If the sum of upstream and downstream speed is 26 km/hr and the speed of the current is 5 km/hr. Then find time taken to cover 72 km in downward?
Speed of a boat in still water is 15 km/h while the speed of the stream is ____ km/h. Total time taken by the boat to go 150 km upstream and 225 km down...
A man row a boat 1 km in 5 min, along the stream and 6 km in 1hrs against the stream, The speed of the stream will be
A boat can travel 36 km downstream in 45 min. The ratio of the speed of the boat in still water to the speed of the stream is 5: 1. How much time will t...
A boat covers a distance of 338 km upstream in 13 hours. After rain, the speed of the stream increases by 50%, and the speed of t...
A man swims 2km/h against the stream and goes 1 km in 10 minutes along the stream, how much time will it take to cover 5 km in still water?
A boat takes 7 hours to cover 259 km upstream and 9 hours to cover 477 km downstream. Find the time taken by the boat to cover 645 km upstream and 660 k...
The speed of current is 8 km/h. What will be the respective downstream speed and upstream speed of a boy rowing a boat, if one fifth of the distance cov...