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The correct answer is C
Who among the following has maximum laptops?
Which of the following option is correct, if the people are arranged in ascending of their weight?
There are five persons who have different number of chocolates. H has more chocolates than G and K. J, who doesn’t have highest number of chocolates, ...
A, B, C, D and E are working in a firm each earning a different amount. B earns more than D, who is not the least earner. C earns less than only A but m...
Who among the following got the highest marks?
There are five persons V, B, S, A and G, who have different heights. V is taller than G but shorter than A. Suresh is shorter than V. B is the shortest...
Who among the following has the second highest number of chocolates?
If the box S has 32 shirts, then what will be the possible number of shirts of P?
If the weight of K and L are 45 Kg and 30 Kg respectively then how many persons are heavier than K?
Six persons, N, O, P, Q, R and S have different heights. Only P is shorter than Q, whose height is 154cm. S is taller than R and O, whose height is 178 ...