The Bandhan Express is an international passenger train which runs between the Indian city of Kolkata and the Bangladeshi city of Khulna. It is the 2nd modern train link between the Indian state of West Bengal and Bangladesh. It was initially referred to as the Maitree Express II.
What is the meaning of corbicula?
If germination per cent of seed sample is 90, purity 80% what is real value:
What is the standard deviation used for in statistics?
The light intensity at which photosynthesis and respiration are equal is called:
What does the term "Instrumental Conditioning" refer to?
Wheat is mainly a rabi cereal crop grown for food. Wheat inflorescence is…………….
Which planet of the solar system spins on its axis at the fastest rate?
The headquarters of AGMARK is situated at:
Glufosinate inhibits the enzyme
How many agricultural products MSP determined by the Agricultural Costs and Price Commission?