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Explanation: When the employment has less than one thousand employees statewide . The government can choose not to fix minimum rates of wages for an employment if it has fewer than one thousand employees in the entire state. However, if the number of employees reaches one thousand or more, the government must establish minimum rates of wages for them.
As per section 76 of the Customs Act the drawback shall not be allowed__________________
Which of the following facilities should be provided by the contractor for contract labour?
I. Supply of wholesome drinking wat...
Leading questions
The sale of goods act 1930 is a branch of______?
Choose the correct code:
A. Judicial acts- S. 77
B. doli incapax- S.82
C. triffles/ slight harm- S. 93
D. communication in good faith – S. 94
In which case the difference between invitation to offer and offer has been laid down___________________
If a minor draws, indorses, delivers or negotiates an instrument, such instrument binds
The proceedings of the Appellate Tribunal shall be conducted in________ as per the Securities Appellate Tribunal (Procedure) Rules
As per Payment of Wages Act in factory,_______________shall be liable to pay wages to employee employed.
The Board meeting should be called by a company by giving not less than ___________days ‘notice in writing to every director at his address registered...