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Red Soil: • Red soil develops reddish colour due to the diffusion of iron in crystalline and metamorphic rocks. • It looks yellow in a hydrated form. • It is highly porous and fertile when they are fine-grained and deep. • This soil is deficient in nitrogen, humus, phosphoric acid, magnesium, and lime but fairly rich in potash, with its pH ranging from neutral to acidic. • Cotton, wheat, rice, beans, millets, tobacco, oilseeds, potatoes, and fruits are some of the appropriate crops for red soils. • Red soil develops on crystalline igneous rocks in areas of low rainfall in the eastern and southern parts of the Deccan plateau. • They are also found in parts of Orissa, Chhattisgarh, southern parts of the middle Ganga plain and along the piedmont zone of the Western Ghats.
Which of the following sections of Limitation Act deals with effect of substituting or adding new plaintiff or defendant?
The court may compel attendance of any person to whom a summons has been issued, for this purpose a maximum fine can be imposed to the tune of-
Section 19 of the Court Fee Act 1870 relates to:
Under Section 59 of IBC relating to voluntary liquidation of corporate persons, which of the following conditions must be met for a corporate person to ...
Jurisprudence is a latin term which means
When was the Motor Vehicles Act enacted and when did it come into force?
Which Article of the Constitution talks about directive principles of State policy for protection of wildlife?
According to the Regulation 28 of Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations, 2018, What are the three v...
A is tried for the murder of B by beating him with a club with the intention of causing his death.
Which of the following is a relevant fact?
Under the provisions of The Specific Relief Act, 1963, when a part of a contract which, taken by itself, can and ought to be specifically performed, sta...