Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren launched “Hamar Apan Budget” portal and a mobile application prepared by the state finance Department. Through this portal, the general public of the state will be able to share their valuable suggestions for the 2022-23 budget.
With whom has the Indian Council of Agricultural Research signed an MoU to empower farmers?
The third edition of the World Solar Report by the ISA highlighted the growth of global solar capacity to how many GW by 2023?
Which of the following is a source of tax revenue?
‘Ryutu Bandhu’ is a scheme launched by which of the following states?
In which city did the 63rd gathering of the Central Geological Programming Board (CGPB) take place, with Shri V.L. Kantha Rao, Secretary of the Ministry...
Where was the 7th Annual High-Level Meeting between the Indian and Sri Lankan Coast Guards held in 2024?
What was the total value of India’s agricultural commodity exports in 2023-24?
What is the proposed penalty amount for violating provisions under the draft Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Bill, 2023?
How is Dhanpat Rai Srivastava better known as?
Jio Platforms, owned by Reliance Industries Ltd, will buy communications equipment maker Mimosa Networks for _____ to bolster its expanding 5G and broad...