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The correct answer is E
Identify a class of compounds that has a functional group –OH.
Who are the fund managers for the Motilal Oswal Nifty India Defence Index Fund?
Which state in India is the largest producer of Natural Rubber in India?
Government of India under “Waste to Wealth” Mission launched which of the following fellowship?
In which year did Mahatma Gandhi visit Noakhali and other riot-torn areas to stop communal violence?
Which of the following states stands at number one in terms of route kilometers at the end of the year 2019-20 as per the Indian Railways Yearbook 2019-20?
Who became the Nawab of Bengal after the death of Alivardi Khan in 1756?
Which of the following Indian states is/are Border States of Manipur?
I) Nagaland
II) Assam
III) Mizoram
IV) Arunachal Pradesh
V) Meghalaya
Where was the First Nuclear Power Plant of India established in India?
Which river was known as the ‘Sorrow of Bengal’?