The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) launches the Digital payments index (DPI). It is released for March and September every year in the months of July and January respectively.
Any decrease in the bank balance is recorded on ______ side of Cash Book and in _______ Column of Pass Book.
An auditor of a listed company shall not be appointed, if it is an individual as auditor, for?
Ind AS 7 deals with which of the following:
Family Pension is taxable under which head of Income?
What is project financing?
If 6% interest is to be allowed on a capital of ₹10,00,000, what will the adjusting entry be for this will in the books of the partnership firm?
<...If an accounting information is free from errors, then which qualitative characteristic is reflected?
The costs which were incurred in the past and ignored under capital budgeting are known as_____.
The liability of a sole proprietor is: