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The Foreign exchange reserve consists of ¾ Foreign currency Assets ¾ Gold Stock of RBI ¾ SDR (Special Drawing Rights) ¾ Reserve Tranche Position (RTP) in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Foreign Exchange Reserve of a Country = Foreign Currency Assets + Gold + SDR + Reserve Tranche Position (RTP).
Which bank has submitted an application to the Monetary Authority of Singapore for a banking license?
Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India lays down the establishment of Public Service Commissions for the Union and for the States?
Which state government launched the 'Nijut Moina' scheme to fight against child marriage?
The process of preserving organelles, cells and tissues at -196 °C in liquid nitrogen is called:
Who among the following has been appointed by UNICEF (United Nations International Children Education Fund) to advocate for promoting and supporting it...
Which of the following is NOT correct?
Who established the Chishti sect in India?
As per Economic Survey 2021-22, the ______ sector contributed the most to the GDP of India during the year.
Which of the following banks has been designated as a domestically systemically important bank?
Which of the following led English company in Battle of Plassey (1757)?