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FDI was gradually allowed in almost all sectors, except a few, on the grounds of strategic importance, subject to compliance with sector-specific rules and regulations. Foreign Direct Investment , or FDI, is one of the most crucial channels of direct investments between countries.
Spongilla is the common example which belongs to ………………. Phylum of Animal Kingdom.
Match List I with List II
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Merino is the breed of:
The PM KISAN aims to provide a payment of Rs. ______ /- per year, in ____ instalments of Rs. 2000/- to the farmers families, subject to certain exclus...
Which one of the following is not the instrument for credit control:
The harrow type suitable for hard and stony soils, featuring tough flexible teeth with a spring action is
Moisture content for safe storage of wheat, barley, maize is _________
The botanical pesticide "Pyrethrum" is derived from
The maximum amount of element required for berseem fodder is:
The Central Sector Scheme ______ aims to provide the 'Record of Rights' to village household owners possessing houses in inhabited areas (Abadi) in vill...