Land development bank started financing long term loan for more significant rural development activities like rural and cottage industries, rural artisans etc. The main purpose of RRB’s is to mobilize financial resources from rural / semi-urban areas and grant loans and advances mostly to small and marginal farmers, agricultural labourers and rural artisans. NABARD doesnot give “direct” credit assistance. It provides credit Via intermediaries such as Microfinance companies, Cooperative society, RRB.
Which of the following is not a type of angiosperm?
Megasporogenesis occurs in
On addition of HCl in milk, if the color changes to red, it indicates the milk is adulterated with _____
___________Is an idea, practice o...
Sodium adsorption ratio is a measure of the amount of sodium (Na) relative to calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in the water extract. Which of the followi...
Which IPM strategy involves using physical barriers or traps to prevent pests from reaching crops?
Name the buffalo Breed which is Blackish copper to light copper in color and have highest % of fat in milk?
T&V system related to agriculture extension was introduced in the year
This constituent in sesame oil contributes to its high stability at room and frying temperatures?
Indian Institute of Horticulture Research is located at