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As the dynamic nature of business in the IFSCs requires a high degree of inter-regulatory coordination within the financial sector, the IFSCA has been established as a unified regulator with a holistic vision to promote ease of business in IFSC and to provide a world-class regulatory environment. The International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) was established on April 27, 2020, under the International Financial Services Centres Authority Act 2019. It is headquartered at GIFT City, Gandhinagar, in Gujarat. From 1st October 2020, IFSCA assumed the power of four domestic sector regulators, namely the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Insurance Regulatory. 21 and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) & Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority of India (PFRDAI), in so far as the development and regulation of IFSCs in India were concerned.
Vegetative propagation is an asexual method of plant reproduction and different plants are propagated by using different vegetative propagules. Coconut...
National Research Centre for Groundnut is located
Type of silviculture system which can regenerate through seeds and majority have a long life is ___
Which of the following physiological growth stages of wheat crop is most susceptible to 2, 4-D?
Which of the following is used to control Parthenium hysterophoris?
The ratio of land required by pure crop to produce the same yield as that of intercrop is known as
A farmer has taken 3 lakh loan under KCC, after interest subvention farmer has to pay what percentage of interest if he has timely repaid the loan?
The Species that invade a bare area are called
Gluten protein is/are
The full form of IAAP is