Union Minister for Education and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Dharmendra Pradhan launched a web portal ‘Apna Chandrayaan’ having activity-based support material such as quiz , puzzles, etc for school students on Mission Chandrayaan-3 developed by NCERT under the aegis of the Department of School Education & Literacy (DoSEL), Ministry of Education, in New Delhi.
In the 4th century BCE, the capital of Magadha was shifted to _______.
Recently USA and South Korea conducted their largest ever joint aerial drill called
What was India's estimated GDP growth for FY24 by the National Statistical Office?
Which famous personality has been appointed as the brand ambassador of Sikkim?
Which of the following is a tributary of the river Ganga?
Central Depository Services Limited is promoted by which of the following:
On the occasion of 25 years of India-ASEAN tie, a commemorative summit was held in New Delhi. The theme of the summit is:
Swedish Open Junior title was won by Indian shuttler named:
What do you call the fluid matrix filling in the cell?
The world's largest coral reef is found near the _______________ coast of Australia.