Gandhi started his famous Non-Cooperation Movement on 1st August 1920. Indian National Congress passed the idea of Non-Cooperation Movement in a session held in December, the same year. It was held in Nagpur and was presided by Salem Vijayaraghavachariar.
Which of the following is a indirect method of moisture measurement?
Vegetables play a very important role in Human nutrition. Vegetables are mostly of which nature?
Based on whose recommendations does the Ministry of Agriculture fix MSP of cotton?
A chicken that is raised specially for meat production?
In shifting cultivation, the shifting cycle has been shrunk to about 5 years or even below 5 years, mainly due to
Which of the following statements is/are true?
Statement A: When rice grows under aerobic conditions coleorhizae emerges first.
Statement ...
Production of first haploid plants from pollen grains of Datura (Anther culture) was done by ____
The vertical side of the furrow made in the soil away from which the turned soil is thrown is called
Soil moisture characteristic curve for sandy soil is
What is the recommended temperature range for maintaining the mushroom house during the spawn run of Oyster mushrooms?